
Kate, Wallis and vowel migration

March 20, 2012

IS ANYONE else having problems with the Duchess of Cambridge? I want to like her. She looks so lovely walking, wearing boots, playing hockey and nodding with all that brown hair. She’s normal, she even went to Top Shop and the guy who served her said she was radiant. She’s a normal person that is radiant and a Princess – and it’s a “tough station” having all those cameras on you.
But I’m not totally shallow, thank you very much, so I will find less superficial ways to judge her.
And they are these: Her and Pippa were known as the Wisteria Sisters at university – decorative, fragrant and furiously effective climbers. I know a lot of these types of girls.
One girl I went to school with – a really bright and unashamed Brummie, hurled my name at me with such ferocious poshness the last time I saw her, that I thought she was handicapped.
She had gone to Cambridge, joined one of the exclusive drinking societies and captained the college’s University Challenge team. Her passion for shifting her vowels as far back and as far up in her mouth as they would go had been raging for some years. 
Isn’t Kate a Home County girl?  Her  “man” should be in a “black hat”, but rather bizarrely it was all about “thet men in the bleck het” when she spoke in Ipswich yesterday apparently “wracked with nerves”.
The Queen has noticeably dropped her Upper Received Pronunciation since she began her BBC broadcasts in the early 50s, we now hear “home” rather than “hame”, so why is Kate undoing all this and trying to win the national posh competition by dragging shit up which we are all quite happy to leave behind? Yesterday she was talking about a “hame from hame”. What? 
And now to the delectable Wallis Simpson.
She was lambasted and stigmatised for being too ambitious, for being the kind of woman who could and would coin the phrase “you can never be too rich or too thin”. And she did coin it, or at least people thought she did, and they were forced to decide if they liked her. Was she “too much” of a change from what went before? Most of Britain said she was. 
Now, tell me if I’m wrong, but I would argue that tiny, tiny, rich, rich Kate agrees with Simpson, but she would never say it. We are not allowed question why she is turning up smaller and posher every time we see her – she’s the princess who still shops in Top Shop! Let’s ignore the fact that she is endorsing some of the most traditional paralysing social norms, especially for women by making it all look so normal. 
Simpson spoke out, divorced, was sexual, manish, American and whatever else she was, and despite that, she got on with it and loved the man she loved. Kate is so conservative, such a party-line puller, so desperate to enter in the tiny gap in the door, rather than wedge it open a little more that I am beginning to see her as totally inhibitive to the progress of many a brilliant, strong, sexy woman of Britain.

Give me Wallis any day, give me the woman who shows the thought, pain and discipline it takes to follow your passion. It’s not easy for Kate, but I’m fed up with that smile. 

Wallis Simpson: the ultimate mover and shaker


  1. spiffing commentry!

  2. Spot on – but Wallis was a right one too, but I guess what you saw is what you got. Poor Kate is going to ground, but sadly a million girls watch and want to do the same …

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